
*& akaashi !!


name akaashi keiji

aliases 'kaashi, kei

birthday december 5th, 1995

age 17+

star sign sagittarius

chinese zodiac year of the pig

gender demiboy

pronouns he / him

orientation demiro / demisexual
- nanohana karashiae
- manga
- turtlenecks
- occult fashion
- makeup
- carbonated drinks

- being in the spotlight
- writer's block
- pussyfooting around a subject
- bad graphic design
- coffee
- alarms


akaashi is a relatively quiet young man who likes to keep to himself. he avoids imposing on others as much as possible, preferring to make his presence unobtrusive. he’s trained his emotions well and can maintain his composure even in the most trying situations. that is, as long as the stress is external and not internal.

anxiety is an obstacle akaashi has been fighting for as long as he can remember. he’s overly analytical of most people and situations, leading to his mind often lingering on the what-ifs and could-bes.

despite his withdrawn, humble disposition, akaashi can be quite blunt and to-the-point, often sacrificing empathy for straightforwardness when delivering an opinion. he doesn’t always think about the best way to word certain things before he says them, which can lead to some rather unintentionally strained encounters. this also lends itself to his habit of jumping into conversations he’s not necessarily a part of


akaashi has been blessed with a fairly average life with very few existential struggles. his mothers, though they faced their own obstacles in life, did everything in their power to make akaashi’s as comfortable and pleasant as possible. one of his mothers worked as an overnight nurse while the other was a social worker, so they often had differing hours that gave them very little time together, but one of them was always around to look after akaashi.

all of that was well and good until his accident. he had taken up the sport of surfing as a hobby, and he was very good at it, but one day he was caught in a riptide that dragged him farther out to sea, past the safety area marked off for their practice. it just so happened that a curious shark happened to be passing by while akaashi was struggling not to drown. it tore into his leg and nearly dragged him under for good before the coast guard reached him just in time. unfortunately, akaashi wasn’t lucky enough to get out of the encounter with just a few scars.

the entire lower half of his left leg had to be amputated. the time akaashi spent in the hospital for the duration of his recovery contained some of his worst memories (second only to nearly drowning and getting attacked by a shark, of course). as soon as he was out, akaashi never looked back. he endured his physical therapy to adjust to a prosthetic, took ballet classes to regain and improve his balance and coordination, and never touched a surfboard again.

once he entered high school, however, he was persuaded to give sports another try. volleyball, in particular, due to the insistent "encouragement" from a loud-mouthed upperclassman who wouldn't take no for an answer until akaashi agreed to sign up for the team. that student, bokuto kotaro, had been certain that volleyball was just the thing akaashi needed to feel comfortable in his own body again. he was right, frustratingly enough. akaashi had all but forgotten about all the ways his life had changed since the accident after playing on the fukurodani volleyball team for a couple years.

it was different once bokuto graduated a year ahead of him, though. without that knucklehead in the club, their team dynamics just didn't feel the same anymore, so akaashi didn't re-enroll in the club during his senior year. instead, he spent his time gathering college credits in preparation for his own graduation. this helped give him a headstart on the career he actually wanted as a professional mangaka. that didn't mean he didn't show up to every single one of bokuto's games, though. akaashi was perfectly fine with cheering him on from the sidelines now.

*& verses

high school !
i'm holding on but my body's caving in

takes place anywhere between his first and third years of high school. his amputation is still relatively fresh when he enters high school and he's still in the process of re-structuring his life around using a prosthetic, but by his third year, he's more than comfortable in the newly defined shape of his body and is very vocal about disabled activism.

college / mangaka !
i feel inspired at quarter to three a.m.

akaashi attends college for four years to obtain his bachelor's degree in fine arts, all the while refining his skills as an up-and-coming mangaka. his most well-known work heavily features themes from his own life as an amputee and it's been a hit with is community. he definitely keeps to himself a lot more at this point in his life, going weeks on end without contacting anyone, but he's always available when someone reaches out to him.

half-faerie !
i'm that song you wouldn't sing ; just a broken melody

born to two mothers, a witch and a faerie, akaashi has always been drawn to magic like an addiction. his faerie mother was a strong elemental with an affinity for storm magic, which he inherited and mastered as easily as breathing. his witch mother warned him against the temptation of magic, a warning he readily heeded, but fate had other plans. he lost his faerie mother in a territorial skirmish with the empire that bordered their small colony and he was ripped away from his witch mother to become a concubine prisoner due to the allure of his faerie lineage. he would later assassinate the emperor who held him captive and went on the run as a wanted criminal.

greek mythos !
you built up a world of magic beacuse your real life is tragic

a demigod of hekate, akaashi inherits the gift of spellcraft. he frequently practices as a hedgewitch, drawing his energy from nature and focusing his skills on rather mundane things such as tarot reading, sigil making, and minor rituals, though his magic is capable of so much more. he has befriended an owl familiar named tsukiyo (meaning "moonlit night") with whom he can communicate on a spiritual level not quite the same as telepathy, but deeper.

pokemon !

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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

name @url

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