
*& matsukawa !!


name matsukawa issei

aliases mattsun, 'sei

birthday march 1st, 1995

age 17+

star sign pisces

chinese zodiac year of the pig

gender demiboy

pronouns he / they

orientation demiro / demisexual
- cheese-filled hamburger steak
- spiders &&. octopi
- horror
- symphonic metal
- dead things
- crime

- wearing contacts
- people who take advantage of others
- being called by his first name
- hot, muggy weather
- diet culture
- strong cologne / perfume


first and foremost matsukawa is a realist, albeit with a somewhat cynical outlook on some things in life. he boasts a calm rationale that makes him an exceptional mediator in heated situations, but he’s also been accused of being too indifferent and dispassionate. however, this is simply not the case. he has a big heart and endless capacity for compassion and forgiveness, sometimes to the point of being a bit of a pushover. he’s the type of person to apologise when someone spills hot coffee on him. unfortunately, this means that he can harbour massive amounts of resentment that he never expresses, partly due to a desire to avoid conflict and partly due to the fact that he feels guilty for feeling resentment at all.

despite internalising a rather depressing degree of self-sabotaging tendencies and other pressing mental health concerns (such as his schizophrenia), matsukawa loves to laugh and have a good time, perhaps even a bit too much at times. cracking jokes and never bothering to treat anything seriously is something of a coping mechanism for him, as is his proclivity for walking off the beaten path and getting himself into trouble. he loves a good thrill, especially the one that comes with getting away with something, and he can actually be quite reckless under the right (wrong?) circumstances.


as the eldest of three children, matsukawa had to learn the meaning of responsibility very quickly. their parents both worked long hours to ensure that they could provide for their family, so it often fell on matsukawa's shoulders to raise his little brother and sister. he was the one who cooked their meals, helped them clean up after themselves, and, more often than not, tucked them into bed. he was the one his siblings came to with their homework or other problems at school. for all intents and purposes, he was more of a parent to those two than their own parents were.

because of this, matsukawa was often bullied in school himself. other kids saw him riding to school with his little brother and sister in tow on their bikes with training wheels, and they saw when those two ran to him excitedly in the halls in between classes. matsukawa was considered something of a loser who never had time to hang out with other children his age and would rather spend his time with "babies". even back then, he knew that their treatment of him was unfair and misguided—kids were cruel, after all—but that didn't stop him from developing a meak, reserved disposition.

things got a little better in high school after he met three people who would soon become his closest friends: oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, and hanamaki takahiro. he and hanamaki were equally new to the school, but oikawa and iwaizumi had known each other longer. even so, they didn't have any problem taking matsukawa and hanamaki under their wings, and they didn't hesitate to stick out their necks to stand up for matsukawa when his old bullies came knocking.

eventually his siblings grew old enough to begin taking care of themselves and, finally, matsukawa was free to spread his wings a little. he signed up for the aoba josai volleyball team alongside his new friends and those were some of the best years of matsukawa's school life, hands down. even though he didn't pursue the sport after graduating, he still held a certain fondness for it and continued to watch games on tv, particularly those of oikawa once he had joined a team over in argentina. they were spread out now as adults, but they were still as close as ever.

matsukawa chose a career in mortuary science instead, eventually working his way up to becoming a funeral director. he had no qualms with being around dead things—he was fascinated by them, in fact—and he rather enjoyed being the one to provide some of the emotional closure people needed after losing their loved ones.

*& verses

high school !
help me make it out in one piece

takes place anywhere between his first and third years of high school. when he first begins high school, he is far more shy and reserved and frequently the subject of bullying that followed him from junior high. after meeting hanamaki, oikawa, and iwaizumi, however, he gradually breaks out of his shell and becomes the dry-humoured jokester, albeit he still carries something of an intimidating presence. he begins to develop schizophrenia right around when he turns eighteen and struggles to deal with it.

college !
the shadows play a game in my head

matsukawa has started college to study mortuary science and dabble in a bit of forensic pathology for shits and giggles. he's always had a fascination with dead things, so why not make a career out of it? he mostly keeps to himself these days, but he's still more than happy to hang out with his friends and take advantage of the college lifestyle to make stupid decisions.

mortician !
everything was grey — his hair ; his smoke ; his dreams

now a full-fledged mortician (and having been registered as an official minister, in case you were curious), matsukawa is all business...for the most part. there will always be a side of him that can't resist pulling a macabre prank or two when the opportunity arises.

organ trafficker !
i can feel it under my skin

no one ever plans on joining the yakuza, but sometimes shit just happens. by no one's fault but his own, matsukawa has a debt to pay, and he's doing so by trafficking human organs for a yakuza clan responsible for saving his life. now, sometimes, he has to take the lives of others in order to repay them.

forensic pathologist !
you remind me of a place i've been ( i think i died there )

instead of becoming a mortician, matsukawa opted for a more active role in which to put his skills to use. he works as a forensic pathologist for the local police department, where he analyses the cadavers of deceased crime victims in order to determine the cause of death and therefore aid in the investigation surrounding their demise.

necromancer !
living in the in between

a 188-year-old shadar-kai, matsukawa hails from the shadowfell, but has since ventured in the material plane as a necromancer to "broaden his horizons", as it were. he carries a dreadful aura with a noticeable impact on the world of life around him, but that didn't stop him from wanting to explore the material plane for all it had to offer.

greek mythos !
last night i got as high as your expectations

matsukawa is the demigod of the titaness styx, goddess of the underworld river by the same name. he possesses the power of oath-binding, wherein any promise made by or to him is binding and an unfavourable fate will befall those (himself included) who break those promises. in addition, he can summon forth the souls of oath breakers from the underworld and tamper with others' dreams while they sleep. he is a frequent vessel of ghostly possession and carries a curse placed upon him by styx herself for breaking a promise that was meant to fulfill a prophecy. this curse causes him to transform into a grotesque sea monster when submerged in water.

bnha !
haunts me tonight ; the ghosts are alive

matsukawa is a villain known as "phantom" with a quirk called possession. he can possess another's body by entering a black smoke-like state and control their movements. the host's eyes will exhibit black sclerae and bright blue irises. the host may be able to resist the possession, expel matsukawa from their body, or trap him inside it, with power of will. any damage sustained by the host is sustained by matsukawa as well (if the host dies while he's possessing them, he dies too). if the host is knocked unconscious or falls asleep, matsukawa is expelled from their body by force.

as for why he became a villain the first place, the answer is pretty simple: he didn't want to bother with becoming a hero. his quirk was one that made others fear him even in grade school and matsukawa didn't feel like climbing an uphill battle to make the world recognise him as someone who was "good". he doesn't aim to hurt anyone; he simply uses his quirk for petty crimes like harmless bank heists and the occasional grand theft auto to generate enough income to keep getting by.

pokemon !

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