
*& oikawa !!


name oikawa tooru

aliases 'kawa

birthday july 20th, 1994

age 17+

star sign cancer

chinese zodiac year of the dog

gender cis-male

pronouns he / him

orientation panro / pansexual
- theatre
- astrology
- aliens
- milk bread
- fashion
- stargazing

- insects
- black coffee
- vulgarity
- too-sweet food
- smoking / cigarettes
- bitter alcohol


oikawa is a flippant, yet unquestionably self-assured volleyball player who takes his sport very seriously despite his flirtatious nature and childish attitude. he has something of a bad reputation for these characteristics, but what he lacks in meaningful popularity, he makes up for with intelligence and cunning. he’s an expert at analyzing any foe he comes up against (in a competitive, sportsmanlike sense, of course) and developing strategies to overcome any obstacles he faces. he’s ambitious by nature and works hard to achieve his goals, always aiming high.

it’s also worth noting that oikawa, for all his faults, is a compassionate, caring individual who values looking out for his friends. while he has a habit of being something of a hard-ass when someone falls below the standards oikawa holds for them—of which he knows they are capable—he is genuine with his encouragement and support, and seems to have a knack for always knowing just how to tie a group of people together, no matter their differences.


oikawa was always a bright child from the start. observant, perceptive, intuitive—all words used to compliment him as he absorbed his studies like a sponge even while in elementary school. it was in junior high that he began to be formally recognised for his academic excellence, and the interest he'd taken in volleyball made him nothing short of a prized pupil. he had a lot to live up, after all, as the child of two wealthy entrepeneurs, not to mention that his older sister had already made a name for herself as an accomplished lawyer.

there was one teacher who took a shining to him more than others, though. he was kind and supportive, always encouraging oikawa to pursue bigger and greater things, especially when he started playing volleyball. he had a tendency to put his hands on oikawa, though, moreso than what was considered appropriate between a teacher and a student. by the time that he began to suspect that his teacher was being a little too friendly and a little too touchy, it was already too late.

one awful, traumatising experience later and oikawa had suddenly lost all his "spark". no more was the sunny, cheerful boy who raced to each of his classes in between bells and excitedly rambled to his friends at lunch about what he was had to have been a ufo the night before. he had become quiet, more reserved, and more intimidating on the court than any other junior high student on either side of the net. well, perhaps except for one other, but that was actually a good thing, even if oikawa would never let himself admit it.

winning was all well and good, but having a target to focus on—an obstacle to overcome, a challenge—did wonders to keep his mind off of everything else. that sport was his saving grace and he lived for the competition.

once he entered high school and his body started filling out with more muscle, he became quite popular in nearly no time at all. an athlete who was also academically gifted? he was practically every high school girl's dream. the attention only served to build up his ego once more, brick by brick, albeit in a different direction than before. whereas previously he longed for the approval of his authority figures, now he only cared about the admiration of his peers. he wanted to woo them, amaze them, be better than them in every way, and that meant maintaining some very high personal standards.

eventually a close friend convinced him to go to therapy. they knew each other well enough that he had noticed the drastic change in oikawa's attitude since junior high, and when he finally pried the truth out of him, he practically gave him no choice. oikawa was reluctant, at first, to vent to a stranger about anything to do with his personal life, especially knowing that they would be analysing every minute detail and assessing him like some sort of science project, but after the first couple of sessions, he found that it wasn't so bad. in fact, it was kind of liberating to be able to share his thoughts with someone who didn't know him personally, someone whose opinion he could tell himself didn't matter, even if it were their job to diagnose him.

that therapist helped him through some very rough points in his life. he had wanted to continue their sessions even after he graduated high school, but with his eyes set on argentina, he had to part ways with his emotional and psychological anchor. he still kept in touch with his therapist while abroad, though, if only as acquaintances. he was in a much better place mentally now than he had been when he had started going to therapy in the first place, at least.

*& verses

high school !
golden child ; lion boy — tell me what it's like to conquer

takes place anywhere between his first and third years of high school. oikawa still struggles with knowing his limits and often overexerts himself to the detriment of his performance at times. he occasionally sees a therapist regarding an incident from junior high, but only his family and iwaizumi know about that.

argentina / dance instructor !
we will carve our place into time &&. space

following high school graduation, oikawa attends college on a scholarship in argentina and later joins the club athletico san juan volleyball team. however, during the tail end of their game against japan in the olympics, oikawa suffered a greenstick fracture in his knee due to physical overexertion. he's let go from the team and, after moving back to japan, he takes up work as a dance instructor at his own studio.

idol !
it's like i'm living in somebody else's life

oikawa discovered his affinity for performance early on in life. he still loved volleyball, though, so throughout junior high and high school, he spent time honing both skills. after aoba josai's crushing defeat during the spring high preliminaries, oikawa felt that there was no point in continuing with the sport and gave up volleyball to pursue a career as an idol instead. a part of him regrets the decision, but he tries to console himself with the fame and fortune brought by his performances and fans.

royalty !
i am so much more than royal

oikawa is the heir apparent of the city of josai, a former empire reduced to little more than a well-fortified territory over years of war with neighbouring nations. his family suffers a bloodline curse that causes them to transform into dragons when they discover true love. as a result, oikawa's parents shelter him to the point of being overbearing and intend to set up an arranged marriage for him rather than allow him to fall in love. oikawa does his best to meet their standards, but his secluded upbringing has left him more than a little curious about certain things.

yakuza !

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

twins ( closed ) !
side by side ; we're different but somehow the same

tora is the twin of talentbloomed's tooru. while tooru went on to play volleyball, tora decided to indulge in another field of interest: ice skating. since they both grew up with a particularly strong desire for the spotlight, tora didn't want to fight his brother for it in the same sport, so he branched out elsewhere and eventually stumbled upon videos of ice skating that wholly fascinated him. he would later go on to be a professional ice skater.

bnha !
the stars that burn the brightest fall so fast &&. pass you by

either a class 3a student at u.a. high school or a pro-hero, oikawa (otherwise known as "astranova") is a hero with a quirk called stardust. this quirk allows him to create star-like constructs ranging from blinding solar flares to a finite number of constellation entities.

pokemon !

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