
*& samael !!


name samael

aliases angel of death, accuser, seducer, destroyer

status fallen seraph, overlord

age 10,604

gender agender

pronouns any

romanticism unlabelled

orientation unlabelled
- snakes
- psychology
- history
- reading
- board games
- painting

- heaven
- boredom
- failure
- adam


samael is not terribly prideful, but some might say that he does have a temperamental ego. after millennia of carrying out the lord's dirty work for him with no recognition and no reward, samael has become bitter &&. jaded. his banishment from heaven was largely self-imposed as he desired for something more than the role he was given to play.

now that he's fallen from grace, he has a new goal in mind: usurp lucifer's throne and seize control over hell for himself. he believes that he can reshape hell into something so great and powerful as to rival heaven and prove, once and for all, that his father should never have underestimated him to begin with. he has spent far too much time manipulating and tempting mortal souls toward damnation to fail at this now.



the red eyes on his wings compel people to act upon their impulses, good or bad. this ability does not extend to the eyes on his face or horns. it has a lessened effect on those with a strong moral compass.


he can take the shape of a snake, either small and innocuous or large and menacing. this ability also extends to commanding other snakes. he reverts into his serpentine form when his power is exhausted.

dimensional travel

a remnant of his duties as “king of the wicked”, samael can travel to the mortal realm at will, though doing so now takes a rather hefty toll on him in the absence of his celestial energy.

hand of god

when he was sentenced to wander the mortal realm in search of sinners to be made, samael located a rare artefact known as a hand of god. a powerful tool in the hands of mortals, this item would magnify samael's abilities tenfold. he's saving it for a rainy day.


samael manifested in heaven during early creation, one of the first seraphim blessed into being by god alongside lucifer. samael was loyal to a fault, never questioning, never doubting his lord's designs. then came earth and, with it, the dawn of man. the first to be crafted in his image, humans held a special place in the lord's heart. the first man, adam, prostrated himself before his maker and garnered his favour so that he might be given a companion. thus came the first woman—lilith.

her curiosity &&. independence were viewed as flaws. adam had god cast her away from him when she would not submit, sending her fatefully into the arms of lucifer himself. above it all, samael watched the story of humanity unfold, detached, merely a spectator observing that which his father loved so dearly.

but that all changed when god created the second woman, eve. born of adam's own rib so that she would bow to him unlike her predecessor. lilith had been beautiful for her uniquity and unfettered free spirit, but eve, oh—eve was beautiful unto her own. she was gentle, kind, and she harboured so many feelings and thoughts of which an angel such as himself could not begin to comprehend the notion. she was different from adam, optimistic and in awe of the magnificent garden god had built around them.

samael was so taken with her that he ventured down to earth, hiding amidst the garden of eden just to catch a closer look at her. he yearned from afar, knowing that he could never be with her while she belonged to god's favoured child. it wasn't long before he grew envious of everything that was graced by the touch of her hand. only once eve had accepted the gift of free will from lucifer by eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge did samael approach her in a familiar form—something like human, not but quite—and consoled her in the aftermath of incurring the wrath of god, who sentenced humanity to an endless cycle of life and then death as punishment for his creation's disobedience.

no longer compelled to submit to adam's command, eve took solace in samael's embrace. alas, this, too, would be a slight in the eyes of god. he punished her with the pain of childbirth, cursing her to pass down the burden of her sin to all those born after her. he made it so that eve fell pregnant with a spawn of her infidelity to adam, one which would be the first to inherit her sin.

a child named cain.

and while eve was forced to raise a nephilim on her own, frozen by adam's scorn, samael was punished as well.

"you have sullied my creations and you have strayed from your righteous path," said god. "if you must bring sin into this world, then so be it. you will, by your own hand, condemn my children that fascinate you so. you will tempt and beguile them to enact their worst desires and so shall sentence them to hell in lucifer's name, or prove them worthy to join me by my side in heaven, for they have resisted your wicked seduction.

"he stationed samael on the mortal plane with this harrowing duty: to test the faith of god's children. his first victim, by order of his father, was his own son. when adam and eve finally conceived of their own child, abel, it was samael who whispered thoughts of jealousy into cain's mind, persuaded him to turn against his own brother.

when god decided to test the devout faith of his prophet job, he sent samael to seize his wealth, slaughter his children, and infect him with disease—every blight that would send lesser men careening into sin.

he did this because he felt regret and someday wished to earn back his honour in the eyes of his father, but that day never came.

no, it did not. in ten thousand years, it never came. samael had had enough of paying for the crime of love. he abandoned his tethers to heaven in favour of joining his brother in hell, significantly weakened and yet emboldened with a newfound vengeance. one day, he would bolster hell under his rule and lay siege to heaven so that he could finally reclaim the woman he loved from her eternal prison at adam's side.

*& verses

overlord !
you &&. i both know the holy stuff won't take

samael is an overlord of hell's pride ring. despite this, he maintains a low profile so as to avoid drawing lucifer's attention as he works from the shadows to enact his plan to conquer hell and forge its souls into warriors with which to battle heaven. he is known amoungst sinners as the demon of passion.

wayward souls come to him for temporary release from their hellish misery so that they might revel in their greatest desires for a time. he provides all manner of temptation—drugs, sex, alcohol, torture, you name it. his services come at the cost of one's soul, however. after all, a break from eternal damnation doesn't come cheap.

betrayal !
the beginning of the war will be secret

samael is still a seraph in heaven, having resisted the urge to defect on account of lucifer's convincing argument. instead of joining his fellow angel in hell, samael serves as a spy for him in heaven. he alerts lucifer of new developments within the ranks of the exorcists and warns of any unexpected visits. he also provides angelic weaponry in an effort to aid hell's souls in defending themselves against each extermination.

samael is torn in his devotion to god and his brother. on the one hand, he still holds hope that his father will one day forgive him and welcome him back at his side. on the other, he understands lucifer's plight and why he gave up his grace in the first place. he loves his brother as he loves all angels and wishes to find a way to mend their broken family.

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