
*& guidelines

on the inbox.

do not send chain messages. if we’re not mutuals, do not send messages that require ic interaction. please specify a muse when sending an ask. i answer asks in new text posts, so feel free to reblog my answers to turn them into threads.


i format my posts and i may or may not use icons depending on the blog. you are more than welcome to choose whether or not you format / use icons, but i won’t change my writing style for you.

no reblog karma.

i do not practice reblog karma. this means that i don’t require that you send in a meme that i post before reblogging and i will not feel obligated to send in a meme that you post before reblogging it. this will not change.

cut your posts.

always cut your post down to your partner’s last reply. i’ll be more lenient with one-liners / crack threads that aren’t too long. if you’re primarily mobile-bound, make sure your partners cut your threads or else i won’t follow you.


the muses of all my blogs may engage in several ships that will not coincide with one another unless discussed by all muns in question.


all ships require extensive development and chemistry. i do not write pre-established romantic relationships, but i'm very open to discussing existing rivalries / friendships.


i’m 25 years old and therefore willing to engage in nsfw roleplays with 18+ muns and muses. if i find you are underage you will be blocked on the spot no questions asked.

triggering content.

i try to tag all triggers, but if i miss something please tell me. i’ll tag things with "#trigger tw" and i ask that the following be tagged: irl images of clowns/zombies, irl nsfw (separate from nsfw art), rape/csa/cocsa/molestation/paedophilia, suicide/self-harm, queerphobia of any kind (including ace exclusionism), and racism/sexism.

private &&. selective.

this means that i will only interact with mutuals and i will be selective with whom i follow. i will soft-block those i don't wish to be mutuals wish; if you follow back without realising, i will hard block you (no stress; it's just to avoid awkwardness).

following / unfollowing.

you must have an about page &&. a rules page for me to consider following you. if your "about" page just links back to the character's wiki, you can forget it. i don't like it when people use the term "sinday" for "sexual sunday" or calls anything sexual "sinful" due to religious trauma. i will softblock if i'm not interested in interacting and will hardblock if you follow back afterward.

oc / crossover / multimuse.

just make sure you have adequate info about your oc on your blog. i’ll only follow fandoms i’m familiar with. multimuse blogs are touch and go depending on how large they are and how many muses out of the roster i'm actually interested in interacting with.

no exclusivity.

i don’t practice exclusivity, but i’m willing to take on mains. this doesn’t mean i value anyone above anyone else, only that my interactions with those people will take priority &&. their muses will be the "default" characters referred to in my interactions.

no passwords.

i do not require a password for my blogs and i will not send in blog passwords. i will always read your rules before following.

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