
*& hinata !!


name hinata hyuga

aliases hina

birthday december 27th

age 12-33

gender cis-female

pronouns she / her

romanticism demiromantic

orientation asexual
- flower pressing
- zenzai
- cinnamon rolls
- sunsets
- knitting

- crabs / shrimp
- yelling
- texture of chalk
- needles
- ghosts


while timid and wary of confrontation, one could never call hinata spineless. although she is soft-spoken and polite to a fault, she can and will stand up for herself and her friends after much rebuilding of the self-confidence she lost in her childhood. even so, she is still prone to self-sacrificial tendencies that could be interpreted as having little self-worth. she has learned to hold herself with more esteem than in the past, but she still thinks in secret that her friends and family are more important than herself.

whether or not hinata will ever completely acknowledge that she stands an equal to those around her has yet to be seen. she can put her foot down when necessary and even come across as scary in some instances, but when push comes to shove, she will always place others above herself.

she adores her friends and family more than the world because they are her world—the people who have stood by her side since day one and the people who have helped her get where she is now are people who will forever have a special place in her heart. it is for these people that hinata's true colours will blossom, and a protective hinata is not a force to be trifled with. she will lay down life and limb for the sake of her loved ones without batting an eye, and will even go so far as to sell her soul (literally or figuratively) just to keep them safe.

throughout her adolescence, rather than some distant love interest as her primary motivation, it is the desire to change herself that drives her forward. so many times as a child did she find herself relying on others for all kinds of reasons, even more so after joining team eight. with the help of her sensei and loving friends, however, she began to learn how to think and act for herself, to suppress her fear of confrontation in order to face it head-on so that she may protect those who have protected her.


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.

*& verses

post-war !
i see the future covered in roses

(22) hinata has survived the war alongside her fellow comrades and leads a tranquil, though busy, life during the peace amoung the five great nations. without the weight of training to be the hyuga clan head on her shoulders, hinata is able to focus on her duties as a kunoichi and growing her strength in other ways, though she does find herself a bit lost as to what her overarching goals should be sometimes. she does not go on to marry naruto, having drifted away from her childhood affections for him. she still thinks of him as an incredible shinobi whom she looks up to, but cannot see herself with him as anything more than friends. besides, after the death of her cousin who was more like a brother to her, she isn't in the right emotional state to think about romance.

part i !
mirror in the moon


shippuden !
one last breath 'til the tears start to wither


road to ninja !
i don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation

(any age) within the world brought to life by the infinite tsukuyomi, hinata is far from the shy, timid, and gutless girl as is her counterpart. she's possessive, abrasive, and more than happy to speak her mind about anything and everything. she thinks her father is a sham of a clean leader and awaits the day that she takes up the mantle in order to usher the hyuga clan back into the era of greatness it once occupied. she is very interested in those who hold great power and wishes to surround herself with people of great strength like herself.

akatsuki !
good girls don't lie

(18-22) sometimes, no matter what you do, darkness follows. and sometimes, you give in to it. hinata has always been an exceptionally strong kunoichi, but her mastery over her power is somewhat lacking. her chakra was too volatile, her control too thin—they locked her away and kept her a secret from the rest of the world within the walls of the hyuga clan compound. in her stead, her little sister hanabi was given the responsibility of acting as the clan's heiress apparent. hinata, afraid of her own strength yet bitter at her family for hiding her instead of helping her, and more so at the rest of the village for doing nothing to stop them, began to resent everything she was taught to revere. she experimented and trained on her own within the privacy of her empty quarters until she reached the point of escaping the home that had turned into her prison. not only that, but she left decimation in her wake, not bothering to avoid confrontation with those who tried to stop her. she let her power wreak havoc through the village until she was outside of its walls. after that, she ran. she ran and ran until she was eventually scouted by the akatsuki. from that point onward, she was given a new purpose and the freedom to fulfill it. that's the greatest gift she's ever received and she intends to cherish it, even if it means hunting the boy who had stolen her heart all those years ago.

bnha pro hero !
now i'm wondering just who i would have been

(any age) an alumna of u.a., hinata is still struggling to find her way in life as a hero. she had made it into the hero course by the skin of her teeth, but frequently fell behind in her training, even though she excelled in her studies. her high hopes for becoming a pro hero that her family could be proud of were dashed when she graduated in a lower percentile than anticipated. from the looks of things, she's convinced she'll be relegated to the life of a mere sidekick. she has brought great dishonour upon her family, who pride themselves in their quirk and its generational variations that's remained unique to the hyuga since the initial manifestation of quirks. known as perfect vision, this quirk allows the user to not only see in all directions, but also visually perceive the flow of someone's aura through their body. some believe this quirk also includes the ability to block this aura, but this is merely contingent on a special martial arts technique the hyuga train in that enables them to hit key points on a person's body to stop the flow of their aura and temporarily immobilize them.

pokemon !
i'll write just to let you know that i'm alright

(22) born to a family as close to royalty as there is to be found in the johto region, hinata is the hyuga clan’s heiress apparent, a title that brings her more stress than honour. for as long as she can remember, hinata has never wanted the quiet and catered life to which her father wanted her to resign. he looked down upon pokemon trainers and pokemon battling, the very thing hinata has always been passionate about. not that she had any desire to see pokemon get hurt, which was all her father saw in it, but she yearned to explore the world beyond sitting idly on family money. she wanted to meet new people and pokemon alike, wanted to see what the other regions had to offer—and so she did, much to her father's dismay. she had intended to sneak out of the clan compound in the dead of night to avoid being confronted, but she was caught by a hired guard. instead of dragging her back to answer to her father, however, he admitted to having waited for the day she would decide to abandon her life here and presented her with her first pokeball. it contained a mienfoo, who would become her most cherished partner during her journeys. after thanking him for his kindness and saying their goodbyes, hinata set off with only what she could carry in one backpack and a decent sum of cash saved up from her allowances over the years.

*& mains

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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

name @url

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

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