
*& indra !!


name indra otsutsuki

aliases n/a

birthday january 4th

age 25-40

gender cis-male

pronouns he / him

romanticism demiromantic

orientation demisexual
- like
- like
- like
- like
- like

- dislike
- dislike
- dislike
- dislike
- dislike


when he was younger, indra knew the value of modesty and patience. he was never vain nor brash and he cared greatly for his younger brother asura. even after being labeled a prodigy, indra saw it as another responsibility with which he had to take careful measures to uphold. he was devoutly committed to his studies and practice so that he could hone his abilities and protect his loved ones while meeting their expectations for his excellence.

after meeting black zetsu, however, indra learned of the true extent of his capabilities. black zetsu persuaded him to take pride in his power and to flaunt it whenever the opportunity arose so that none would dare question his strength. with this new resolve to guide him, indra is determined to reach the peak of his ability alone, for that is where he believes true power lies. whatever he cannot overcome by himself is a weakness that must be dealt with, as far as he is concerned.


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.

*& verses

ancient civilization !
i'm a little unsteady

(25-40) indra is the older brother to asura, first son of hagoromo, and endowed with great and powerful potential. he was, at first, an esteemed prodigy, showing promising advancement in his father's teachings. however, after black zetsu began to manipulate him, his views on the use of chakra turned darker and his people and family alike began to fear him. outraged by their apparent closed-mindedness, indra eventually went toe-to-toe with his younger brother, only to be forced into exile following his subsequent loss. he now wanders from place to place as a nomad, sharing his beliefs about ninjutsu with anyone who will listen.

edo tensei !
a fate worse than death

(???) by the power of mysterious and dark forces, indra finds himself revived back into the world of the living, with some limitation. he fully recalls having died, but, while confused by his new life, he decides to take advantage of his unique position. unaware of who brought him back, it was a simple matter for indra to break the jutsu keeping his will subdued. now he lurks in the shadows of civilization, scoping out this new world he had been born into anew.

founders era !
only one of us will make it out alive

(25-40) indra was born into the same generation as the founders of konohagakure. head of a clan of mysterious shinobi whose lineage dates back to ancient civilization, indra approached the clan leaders hashirama and madara to propose the otsutsuki's alliance in the making of their new village. the otsutsuki's power in exchange for konoha's protection. indra did not elaborate on what, exactly, his clan needed protection from, nor did he give any explanation as to how they would prove useful to the village. indra's real intention is to overthrow the senju-uchiha authority once the village had been established and take it for his own, but he knows the value in biding his time, so for now he'll play nice.

pre-series !
i don't know wher to run from my own memories

(any age) indra was born into the same generation as minato namikaze. after graduating the academy at age ten, he was recruited into the anbu black-ops unit, where he then spent many years undercover on covert missions. at age twenty, he was finally relieved from active duty until further notice. he rose through the ranks to become a proper jonin, whereupon he then took on a team of genin of his own. unfortunately, during the third shinobi world war, indra made a fatal error in directing his team in combat, costing them all their lives, while indra survived with serious injury. he is riddled with guilt over his failure and has vowed never to mentor another student again.

modern !
mix drinks &&. smoke rings

(48) a war veteran and current head of the otsutsuki mafia, indra is a hardened criminal with a flare for flaunting his status as a member of high society. while he does make an effort to repair his family's image after the disgrace left by previous generations, he also doesn't hide the fact that he runs a criminal syndicate. he pays off law enforcement to cover up news of his operations, hiding behind his title as a war hero.

bnha fugitive !
i'm teaching myself how to be free

(any age) as far as the rest of the world is concerned, indra otsutsuki does not and has never existed. born a nameless infant who was taken in by an orphanage, "indra" was originally quirkless. that is, until the government organization that secretly ran that orphanage chose him as the most suitable candidate for a highly classified experiment. they felt that quirks had not reached their full potential and that they could be used for so much more. through extensive treatment and experimentation over the course of several years, the boy who came to be called indra was endowed with an exceptional power: the culmination of all the testing and research conducted by "the organization" that resulted in their idea of the perfect quirk. this quirk, named after the shinto deity susano'o, functioned as both an offensive and defensive ability that cloaks indra in a giant armoured body with wings. though translucent, it was deemed impenetrable. additionally, this giant carries a sword that is seemingly made of pure energy like the rest of the body. when he first activated his quirk, he immediately fell unconscious inside of the body from the sheer amount of energy it required to produce. before adverse side effects could occur, his quirk was forcibly neutralized until the organization could train indra to withstand it. now, some years later, indra has since escaped the organization (which, coincidentally, no longer exists) and roams freely. his goals and intentions are unknown.

pokemon !
i want to be the eye of the storm

(31) the faceless leader of team tsukuyomi, indra’s organization is small but efficient in a number of ways. his headquarters is located beneath the ocean’s surface between the sinnoh and hoenn regions, keeping it safe from accidental discovery. only a select few of his most trusted elite know his real name, while the rest know him simply as “commander”. despite the secrecy surrounding his identity, those of team tsukuyomi are devoutly loyal to their cause, which is first and foremost to destroy the competition. he has double agents stationed in “villainous” organizations around the world, including the infamous team rocket. he seeks to take them out one by one until he deems it safe to reveal team tsukuyomi to the world and enact his ulterior plan: release the hybridized pokemon his organization has been experimenting with for years. pokéfusions, he calls them, a nonpareil race the likes of which the world of pokemon has never seen before. beyond releasing them into the wild, indra has no plans of controlling his pokéfusions, only observing the global reaction they receive.

*& mains

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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

name @url

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

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