
*& madara !!


name madara uchiha

aliases mada, 'dara

birthday december 24th

age 24-30

gender cis-male

pronouns he / him

romanticism demiromantic

orientation demisexual
- falconry
- inarizushi
- calligraphy
- sparring
- baking

- roe
- sudden change
- emotional vulnerability
- alcohol
- people who snore


a man of legendary power rivaled only by the likes of hashirama senju, madara is an icon of the true potential of the uchiha clan's visual prowess. although remarked to be "fundamentally a kind man", madara is more often seen as ruthless and depraved. before falling victim to the curse of hatred mythed to run in his clan, the former remark bore more evidence. in his youth, madara believed that the only way to achieve peace in the time of war that he was raised in was for people to open their hearts to one another. a key factor to his relatively kind disposition was his sole surviving brother, izuna. after losing him, however, madara succumbed to hatred, and his brutal rampage only ended when he was brought to the brink of death. in light of hashirama's refusal to kill him, however, madara claimed that the only way to regain his trust was for hashirama either to take his brother's life or his own. when hashirama opted to take his own life, madara saw the sincerity in his heart and stopped him, redeemed by the emotional bond of his childhood friendship.

after founding konohagakure, madara returned to being reasonable and considerate, albeit withdrawn and distrusted by many. his hatred toward izuna's killer, tobirama, shows no signs of waning, and he often accuses tobirama of discriminating against the uchiha clan. he is mostly content by hashirama's side, however, and his wrath can be temporarily quelled by the proper dissuasion. even so, his temper continues to get the best of him, and if not for hashirama's presence, it is likely that the curse of hatred would once again befall him.

bitter and blunt to the point of insult, it is difficult to befriend madara (or even want to), and he has no issues with keeping it that way. having lost all of his brothers and both of his parents, alongside countless kinsmen on the battlefield, madara is wary of bonds of any kind, even though he understands that his visual prowess evolves with personal loss. he is yet to be consumed by the need for power, and so is more prone to avoiding others altogether rather than intentionally create and sever bonds of emotional substance. that isn't to say befriending him is impossible, however. like any human, the desire for friendship and contact remains, frustrating as it is for the uchiha. he often takes to shutting himself away, uncaring for the growing rift between his clan and himself, yet simultaneously mourning it.


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.

*& verses

founders era !
embers in the autumn twilight

(24-30) after ascertaining hashirama's sincerity in establishing peace between their clans, madara accepted his peace treaty and together they founded the village of konoha. madara is still sceptical of the senju and the other villagers, but for now, at least, he is willing to try to maintain the peace they have achieved, for better or for worse.

warring states era !
come what may

(< 24) mortality rates are at a record high, tension is ever rising, and in the eyes of most, there is no end in sight. may take place anytime from childhood to before the founding of konoha. as a child, madara is bound by the will of his father and the clan; as clan head, he still submits to his clan's influence, but he grows weary of war. he is only revitalized by the murder of his brother, izuna, wherein he becomes the true scourge of the battlefield.

post-war !
conquer from within

(100+) a "what if" scenario: after the four hokage arrive on the battlefield of the fourth shinobi world war, madara clashes with hashirama once more. however, during this battle, something reaches madara's heart and he realises the error in his ways at the last possible moment. black zetsu succeeds in forcing obito to use the rinne rebirth jutsu on madara, bringing him back to life, and white zetsu still comes through with his preserved eye. with redirected intentions, madara attempts to recall black zetsu, still under the impression of his being a manifestation of madara's will, but in his rage of having his plans foiled, black zetsu reveals his true nature and overtakes obito's body. the remainder of the war consists of defeating black zetsu. afterward, hashirama's cells reject madara's body and fall off of him, leaving him in precisely the state of his previous life, sans one eye and one arm. after the battle between sasuke and naruto, madara returns to konoha to serve minimal time imprisoned. he is eventually released under strict surveillance and many restrictions on his freedom, but as per hashirama's last request, he has resigned himself to this life in order to make amends to the village and the world at large.

akatsuki leader !
blood is a threat ; a warning ; a promise

(100+) as madara got along in years after faking his death at the hands of hashirama senju and fearing that he was not making any progress with the dna of his enemy, madara gave in to desperation and sought out methods to prolong his life indefinitely until he could successfully achieve his goal of combining his dna with hashirama's. officially dead in the eyes of the rest of the world, madara took up a disguise in order to search for the answers he needed. he eventually happened upon uzushiogakure, the village renowned for its residents' longevity, as well as the origin of the shiki fujin, a technique developed by the uzumaki clan to call upon the power of the shinigami itself. madara went to great lengths to discover the secrets of the technique, most of which he was not proud of, and once he had obtained all the necessary knowledge, he once again went back into hiding, only to summon the since-deceased tobirama senju using edo tensei in order to force him to reverse engineer the shiki fujin into a more useful and convenient derivative. thus was born the soul stealing technique, a jutsu that allowed madara to forcibly seize the soul of a target and consume its very essence reminiscent of how the shinigami devoured its victims' souls. this allowed madara to all but halt his aging process, as well as endow him with the jutsu and abilities of the soul he consumed until he moved on to the next one. he only needed to repeat this process once a month, earning him the title of kyuketsuki. it is through this method that madara was able to live long enough to oversee the creation of the akatsuki himself, becoming its true shadow leader instead of obito, though he still allows nagato to conduct the organization directly.

modern !
fresh regrests ; vodka sweats

(42) madara is a private detective with a reputation for employing underhanded methods in his investigations, but his results are too good to dispute, so he normally gets off with little more than a slap to the wrist by his agency. having had a less-than-perfect childhood involving an unfortunate series of events that led to his father's demise, madara knows his way around the dark underbellies of society frighteningly well.

bnha villain !
when the sun comes up you'll find a brand new god

(any age) madara uchiha is no hero. he's a villain comparable to all for one himself, if not worse. his quirk is called illusion, an ability that allows him to cast powerful hallucinations on targets with whom he makes eye contact. the extent of his illusions is unknown, though it's noted that they cannot cause physical harm. however, the sheer intensity of his illusions is so powerful that victims can be made to believe they are in pain, inducing physical reactions that may feel very real and have a lasting effect on their psyche. his illusions are not limited to those of torture, of course; he is capable of creating other illusions as well. he is the mastermind behind a villainous organization called the akatsuki, a group of people with quirks whose agenda is unclear, but they are guilty of abducting people with powerful quirks, presumably to aid in whatever their objective may be.

pokemon !
something about that glory just always seemed to bore me

(30) a former team flare grunt, madara defected long before the organization was disbanded following lysandre’s defeat. he had joined while under the impression that team flare was sincere in their intentions to create a “beautiful and better” world, but madara quickly found that he didn’t agree with its morals and ethics. he remained sympathetic to lysandre’s vision of the future, though, and currently leads his own gym just outside of meisui town. he is well-known for his fortified team of fire pokemon. the purpose of his gym is to judge each trainer who challenges him by asking them a question before they battle: “what can you contribute to this world?” if he finds their answer satisfactory, he’ll give them the chance to earn a badge. if not, he’ll send them away and tell them not to return until they’ve reevaluated their lives. this method of sifting through the trainers he deems worthy has earned him quite the rancid reputation amoung many, but people continue to challenge him nonetheless, if only to try to prove him wrong.

*& mains

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name @url

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