
*& shizuma !!


name shizuma hoshigaki

aliases shizu

birthday november 3rd

age 19-20

gender cis-male

pronouns he / him

romanticism homoromantic

orientation homosexual
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- dislike
- dislike
- dislike
- dislike
- dislike


a brutal and vicious warrior, shizuma is notorious for his bloodthirsty nature. he is a strong believer in the ideology that kirigakure was at its best as the “blood mist village”. he seeks to restore this era of bloodletting and to abandon what he considers nothing more than a peaceful facade. the sudden shift in the workings of kirigakure’s internal affairs has left those of a similar mindset to shizuma with a sour taste in their mouths. much of the village’s history as the “bloody mist” has seemingly been erased, along with any mention of the hoshigaki clan, something shizuma takes as a personal offence.

while his morality is blurry at best and while he is willing to kill indiscriminately when it comes to those who stand in his way, shizuma is ultimately loyal unto himself and none other. he is cunning and manipulative in subtle ways, though he can be impulsive from time to time. he has a low tolerance for failure, something his followers have rightfully come to fear. even so, shizuma frequently shows a polite veneer, insisting upon proper honourifics and the like until he loses interest in someone’s usefulness.


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.

*& verses

post-rehab !
blood in the water

(19-?) after his forced "rehabilitation" during his time spent imprisoned, shizuma gets out early on "good behaviour", leaving the rest of his former gang to fend for themselves. rehab did very little for him and in fact only served to piss him off even more. he's temporarily fled his village to go on the hunt for the konoha genin who got him arrested in the first place. if he can repossess samehada in the process, then all the better.

modern !
touch so soft but where's the kill ?

(19) shizuma is a college student and captain of the swim team. he's earned a reputation on campus as the progenitor of his fraternity's recently adopted hazing rituals and has a bit of a sadistic streak. he's studying to become a marine veterinarian

bnha villain !
screw peace ; bring on the chaos !

(19) after being rejected from u.a., shizuma grew bitter and resentful of heroes. he decided that if they thought it was right to turn away aspiring heroes simply because their quirks aren't "cool" or "strong" enough, then maybe nobody should become a hero at all. he turned to a life of villainy, following in the footsteps of the hero killer stain to work toward dismantling hero society so that villains could rule instead. shizuma's quirk makes him quite the terrifying opponent. simply called shark, he is able to transform into a monstrous shark-like hybrid, but only when wet.

pokemon !
the anger has rotted my teeth to points

(19) formerly a member of team aqua, shizuma was forced to move on when the team disbanded following its failure to achieve its goals of raising the sea and returning the world to a place dominated by pokemon. shizuma still holds that ideal close to his heart, believing that pokemon have become too domesticated. he has done a lot of research about the state of affairs many centuries ago when the sinnoh region was known as hisui and people feared pokemon rather than coveted them. he wants to find a way to bring back this way of life, even if it means dragging the past into the present.

*& mains

name @url

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

name @url

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

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