
*& tetsujin !!


name tetsujin shirai

aliases tetsu, sandaime

birthday august 22nd

age 20-40

gender cis-male

pronouns he / him

romanticism panromantic

orientation pansexual
- tarot
- reading
- poetry
- saguaro fruit scones
- nature walks

- the cold
- surprises
- clutter
- hypocrisy
- ignorance


tetsujin constantly emits an aura of authority and calm level-headedness. regarded as the strongest kazekage in history, he holds his own past life in high esteem and expects due respect for his former title as kazekage, suggesting a sense of pride that borders on vanity. he refuses to be subjected to the whims of those he finds beneath himself, exhibiting a will of iron and a degree of stubbornness. retaining his edo tensei form, he is not a force to be trifled with and he is well-aware of that fact. he is not above threatening his power if others attempt to defy him, but only in circumstances that his personage or something he wants to protect is at risk. although he concedes that gaara is the current kazekage and is content to obey his command, he does not hesitate to speak his thoughts and offer his professional opinion on actions gaara proposes to take, and will indeed sometimes be at odds with him.

despite his stoic, chaste nature, he can be a caring individual. he enjoys the company of children, for instance, and encourages youth to achieve their goals and dreams with tenacity. realising his faults in his former choice of pupils (i.e. rasa), however, tetsujin is more than a little hesitant to mentor anyone else. he is willing to pass on helpful bits of advice and information when he feels like it, but reserves judgement on training someone until he observes for himself what kind of person they are.


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.

*& verses

post-war ( edo tensei ) !
do not walk before me ; i may not follow

(40) after breaking free of the mind control placed upon him by orochimaru when he was reanimated with edo tensei, he performed the appropriate hand seals to release the contract between orochimaru and his soul, thus allowing him to act without restraint. after narrowly escaping the ensuing battle between orochimaru, deidara, and sasori, he went into hiding and remained that way throughout the fourth shinobi world war. having had no desire to take part in it, he waited out the carnage until it was over, at which point he chose to return to sunagakure and oversee the rule of the new kazekage, gaara, of whom he approves.

post-war ( reincarnated ) !
i'm on fire ; i feel it everywhere

(40+) after hearing of the full events that transpired during the fourth war, tetsujin took an interest in the rinne rebirth jutsu used to revive madara. after much research, he was able to reverse engineer the technique and invert its effects, thus producing a kinjutsu similar to that of the reaper death seal. in fact this jutsu summons the shinigami itself, forming a contract with the user wherein, while granted life via the soul of another, the user's soul is doomed to be consumed by the shinigami upon his death, and will be haunted by the shinigami for the duration of his life by way of a constant reminder of his eventual demise. tetsujin, not having expected the lingering effects, will gradually succumb to severe paranoia.

pre-third war !
do not walk behind me ; i may not lead

(40) tetsujin is still the kazekage and leads sunagakure under a strict but just doctrine. when he isn't performing his regular kazekage duties, he stands before shukaku and his jinchuriki, studying them to perfect his iron sand technique further. he keeps the beast and its host locked away for the safety of the village, but has no qualms with entering those confines himself and speaking to both jinchuriki and tailed beast as if they were equals. at this point, he is grooming rasa to succeed his title and silently prepares for the upcoming war.

adolescence !
walk beside me &&. be my friend

(< 18) tetsujin is a young shinobi under the guidance of the shodai and nidaime kazekage, although he is already leagues ahead of where he ought to be in terms of skill and intellect. tetsujin is regarded as a true prodigy and is held with high expectations for his eventual rise to power. during this time in his life, however, tetsujin is less concerned with his duties and more concerned with doing what young men should do: have fun and experience the world. his innate curiosity sometimes gets him into trouble, but he treats everything like a learning experience and rarely comes out of self-inflicted consequences without a lesson.

bnha pro hero !
a ghost that everyone can see

(any age) a lesser known hero, tetsujin possesses a quirk known as rust, which allows him to break down iron constructs into dust and manipulate those particles. those who do know of him fear that his ability could potentially allow him to do the same to the iron molecules found in blood, though he has shown no capacity to do that, nor an interest in it.

pokemon !
every moment is relevant

(40) tetsujin hails from haruba village, a small desert village in the almia region. there, pokemon rangers are present rather than pokemon trainers and, for a time, tetsujin was amoung them. in time he even earned the class of top ranger and, though he’s now retired, he still owns his fine styler as a tribute to his hay day. now, rather than running around on missions he’s far too old for at this point in his life, tetsujin has settled in a library of his own construction within the haruba desert. the pokemon that stay there with him are not necessarily his by that traditional definition, but rather friends with whom he’s formed close bonds. they help him maintain the library and assist the elusive traveler looking for a book or two. once in a blue moon, he may receive a message from the ranger union requesting his help if no other top ranger is available, but for the most part he keeps to himself and enjoys his life of retirement.

*& mains

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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

name @url

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

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