
*& tobirama !!


name tobirama senju

aliases tobi, 'rama, nidaime

birthday february 19th

age 20-40

gender cis-male

pronouns he / him

romanticism biromantic

orientation bisexual
- snow
- wild cats
- hot tea
- fish / fishing
- animal furs

- idiots
- uchiha
- hot weather
- cattail plants
- milk


the antithesis to his brother's idealism, tobirama is a man who values order and realism. he is sooner to rely on cold, hard facts than fickle imaginations. while he can admire hashirama's determination, tobirama often feels it is his job to ensure that his brother does not bite off more than he can chew, as well as spare him the consequences when he gets ahead of himself. tobirama's ideal method of leadership is through rules without room for misinterpretation, though he will concede that he needs a counter balance like his brother should he become too forceful in his intentions.

a man of exceptional intellect and skill, tobirama fancies invention and innovation. he is the progenitor of many powerful and practical jutsu, and he enjoys spending his free time experimenting and developing even more. he is a firm believer in the will of fire, and he seeks to protect konohagakure with his very life. although possessed by considerable patience and self-control, tobirama is capable of unleashing a catastrophic amount of rage toward those who should threaten his home and family. mercy means next to nothing to him once he is pushed to his boiling point, which is another reason someone like hashirama is necessary in his life to reign him in when his temper rises too high.

tobirama holds fast with the belief that those of a village should perceive themselves as a whole, rather than as separate clans in the same place. however, he shows a considerable amount of hypocrisy in his dealings with the uchiha clan, whom he never wanted to join the village hashirama envisioned in the first place. he thinks they are an inherently spiteful, unpredictable people who cannot be trusted as far as they can be thrown. much of this prejudice comes from butsuma's influence, as well as the deaths of his brothers by uchiha hands, but his own ire and grief over this has caused him to cultivate that prejudice into something far more potent.

not one to beat around the bush, tobirama's speech is very blunt and to-the-point. he finds it pointless to sugarcoat the facts and would appreciate it if he were given the same courtesy. he strives to remain level-headed in all situations, acting as the voice of reason for (poor, hopeless) hashirama during his reign as hokage. a pragmatist, tobirama's desire for practicality sometimes drives him to questionable actions, such as his creation of the summoning: impure world reincarnation. although vile in nature, tobirama would argue its practical use far outweighs the moral and ethical questionability. in a similar vein, tobirama is a prideful man who understands the significance of his own actions as well as those of others. he can be quick to take offence when his capability is brought into question; however, he is not one to subject himself to dignifying petty notions or insults intended to chip at his pride. although he holds emotional bonds in high esteem, he is not one to allow himself to be blinded by them, and is more than capable of setting aside his own emotions in order to fulfill his duties. this makes him appear as cold and mean-spirited at times, but never let it be said that tobirama is heartless.


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.

*& verses

founders era !
the cycle of seasons begins anew

(20-26) peace has been established in the village of his brother's and madara's dreams. although the infrastructure of the village still has much room for improvement, priority lies in easing the tensions amoung previously rivaling clans and introducing a new era of collective prosperity. tobirama oversees the progress of the village alongside hashirama and madara, doing his best to adopt the idea of the entire village being akin to his family.

warring states era !
i whisper truce as the ashes hit the ground

(< 20) anytime before "peace" was established in the form of konohagakure. the senju still engage in heated feuds with the uchiha, be it of their own accord or by consequence of opposing clients. tobirama is the dutiful son of butsuma and cares about the well-being of his clan first and foremost, even if that occasionally puts him at odds with his brother.

early konoha !
dewdrops on a bleak december night

(26-40) having succeeded his older brother as hokage, tobirama instates his own policies for the village's well-being. he has left the uchiha clan in charge of konoha's police force in hopes of harnessing their abilities for the good of the village. while this may backfire in the future, he is comfortable in his belief that it will help ease the tension between the village and the uchiha and that it will allow the uchiha peace in knowing their presence is not in vain.

post-war !
beneath the mask ; a dark &&. twisted labyrinth

(~100) following the spiritual gathering of all the former kage, all of their souls ascended for the final time. tobirama's, however, lingered. when it became apparent that his soul was as of yet dissatisfied, he realized that he still owed a great deal to the world at large for having provided the means for the tragedy of the fourth shinobi world war to occur. he acknowledged that guilt still possessed him regardless of his pride. in light of this, hagoromo granted him his life in order to make amends for his deeds, which tobirama would go on to do as an undercover anbu for konoha.

pre-series !
loyal blood runs forever red

(any age) those of tobirama's generation are born later in the timeline, putting them in the same generation as minato namikaze. he enrolls in and graduates the academy and is then assigned to a team of genin alongside minato and madara, wherein their sensei is kagami uchiha. after being promoted to the rank of jonin, tobirama becomes an anbu and later joins the torture and interrogation unit of konohagakure.

modern !
i'm only a man with a candle to guide me

(36) tobirama is a well-read criminal lawyer. his practice is specifically geared toward fighting unjust laws and ridding innocent people of their false charges, as well as ensuring that troubled youth has a second, better chance at life.

bnha pro hero !
i am the one thing in life i can control

(any age) tobirama is a top ten pro hero, ranked #3. his quirk is hydrokinesis, a fairly basic elemental manipulation quirk that allows him control over water. it's his raw power and stunningly strategic use of said water that makes him such a formidable opponent, not to mention his excellent iq. he also works as a scientist, and many speculate that he may have a second, hidden quirk related to that field which has given him so much success in his projects and experiments.

pokemon !
all that you are is a face in the mirror

(26) tobirama is a critically acclaimed pokemon professor who specializes in the study of battle pokemon linguistics and is constantly inventing new technology to advance the communication between humans and pokemon. presently he lives in sandgem town of the sinnoh region, where he has inherited the laboratory of the retired professor rowan. he’s known to reward new trainers with specialized inventions if they can defeat him in battle. he requires no payment for these devices; only that the trainers give him feedback on his creations so that he can improve them. one of his most famed inventions is the pokévoice™ collar, a device that can be strapped around a pokemon’s neck to translate their sounds into english.

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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

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