
*& saruhiko !!


name saruhiko fushimi

aliases saru

age 19-20

birthday november 7th

gender cis-male

pronouns he / him

romanticism homoromantic

orientation homosexual
- like
- like
- like
- like
- like

- dislike
- dislike
- dislike
- dislike
- dislike


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.


tri-colour aura

depending on which point in the timeline, saruhiko possesses three sanctums, giving him an affinity for the fiery red aura, the defensive blue aura, and the electrical green aura.


saruhiko learned masterful swordsman skills while training with scepter 4.


he has a personal talent with knife-throwing, using this as his primary form of attack.

programming / hacking

he is very adept with technology. he quickly became the top player on the app called jcube and almost managed to hack into <jungle> itself. he was also able to extract information from the admin computers at ashinaka.


lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra. pellentesque sit amet orci nec ligula euismod posuere non sed elit. vivamus facilisis turpis nec rutrum dapibus. praesent risus mauris, hendrerit et bibendum id, convallis non dolor. proin non dolor sit amet justo tincidunt aliquam in in sem. in venenatis et turpis at aliquet. morbi pulvinar magna et lacinia hendrerit. aliquam dictum, sapien id tristique suscipit, odio orci tempus turpis, eu tempus massa nibh vitae magna. nam non risus eu ex rutrum euismod.

*& verses

third in command !
i don't think i could stand to be where you don't see me

saruhiko is a member of scepter 4 and acts as reisi's third in command. his departure from homra is still a relatively raw memory and he remains obsessed with gaining yata's attention the only way he knows how. while he seems bored and uninterested in his current occupation, he nonetheless performs his work dutifully and with great skill.

return of kings !
please forgive me for all i've done

following the emergence of the green clan and the revelation of their plans, saruhiko is assigned an undercover mission in which he infiltrates <jungle> under the pretense of having betrayed yet another king. he now possesses three different auras, an unprecedented feat. despite his apparent allegiance to nagare hisui, saruhiko remains loyal to the blue clan.

naruto !

saruhiko is an anbu of kirigakure while it still holds the title of the blood mist village. he has become a stone-cold killing machine in the name of his village, showing little interest in pursuing any other path in life, due in part to the fact that he doesn't see any other option.

bnha support !

saruhiko enrolled at u.a. per his parents' insistence despite having very little interest in becoming a hero. luckily for him, he didn't make it into the hero course (definitely for lack of trying) and instead landed himself a spot in the support course for his exceptional analytical and tech-savvy skills. he now works as a support technician for the nighteye agency, occasionally freelancing his work to other heroes.

his quirk is an emitter-type called pinpoint that allows him to throw a projectile in any direction and still hit his desired target despite the trajectory. he prefers to use knives with his quirk, but it can work with any object he throws.

bnha villain !

driven away by his father's abuse and his mother's neglect, saruhiko was quietly recruited into the league of villains. his decision to join was based purely on the idea of "why not?". he holds no conviction toward the league's goals, merely playing along with their game for whatever minuscule amounts of entertainment he can get from it.

pokemon !

although he never aspired to be a pokemon trainer, saruhiko does have an affinity for academic research regarding the subject and has thus taken up a position as the intern to professor sycamore of the kalos region. normally reserved and disinterested in everything around him, saruhiko shows a softer, more vulnerable side around pokemon and actively wants to learn more about them.

*& mains

name @url

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

name @url

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nam molestie ipsum non velit suscipit, quis euismod felis consectetur. nam tristique congue pharetra.

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